Camel Pose, known as Ustrasana in Sanskrit, is a dynamic backbend that opens up the chest, stretches the front body, and energizes the mind and body. This asana is named after the graceful curve of a camel's hump, reflecting both its form and the strength and flexibility it demands from practitioners. As a backbend, Ustrasana not only enhances spinal flexibility but also cultivates emotional resilience and an open heart. Let's delve deeper into the elements that make Camel Pose a vital component of any yoga practice.


  1. Starting Position:

    • Begin by kneeling on the yoga mat with knees hip-width apart.
    • Ensure the thighs are perpendicular to the floor, and the shins are firmly rooted.
  2. Hand Placement:

    • Place your hands on your hips, thumbs at the back and fingers in front, fingertips pointing downward.
    • Alternatively, you can reach your hands back one at a time to grasp each heel, fingers pointing towards the toes.
  3. Inhalation and Lift:

    • Inhale deeply to lengthen the spine, engaging the core muscles gently.
    • Lift the chest upward as you lean back, creating a gentle arch in the lower back.
  4. Opening the Chest:

    • Continue to lift the sternum towards the sky, gradually releasing the head back if comfortable, keeping the neck long and relaxed.
  5. Deepening the Pose:

    • For a deeper stretch, gently press the hips forward while maintaining engagement in the legs and core.
    • Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds, breathing deeply and evenly.
  6. Exiting the Pose:

    • To release, bring your hands back to your hips first, then slowly bring your torso upright.
    • Sit back on your heels and rest in Child's Pose (Balasana) to counterbalance the backbend.

Benefits of Ustrasana:

  • Spinal Flexibility: Camel Pose enhances the flexibility of the entire spine, from the cervical to the lumbar region.
  • Opens the Chest: It stretches the chest muscles, expanding the lungs and improving breathing capacity.
  • Stimulates Abdominal Organs: Ustrasana stimulates the organs in the abdomen, aiding digestion and metabolism.
  • Energetic Balance: This pose opens the heart chakra, promoting emotional balance and a sense of compassion.
  • Improves Posture: Regular practice helps correct posture by counteracting the effects of prolonged sitting and slouching.


  • Supported Camel Pose: Use a yoga block placed between the heels to provide support and reduce strain on the lower back.
  • One Arm Reach: Extend one arm overhead while in the pose to deepen the stretch on one side of the body.
  • Camel Pose with a Wall: Practicing Ustrasana with the support of a wall can help maintain balance and alignment.

Precautions and Contraindications:

  • Neck and Lower Back Issues: Avoid dropping the head back if you have neck problems. Similarly, those with lower back issues should approach the pose cautiously and consider using props.
  • High or Low Blood Pressure: Modify the pose by keeping the hands on the hips or using props if you have blood pressure concerns.
  • Knee or Ankle Injury: Take care not to strain the knees or ankles by ensuring proper alignment and support.

Incorporating Ustrasana into Your Practice:

  • Warm-Up: Begin with gentle warm-up poses like Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana) and Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) to prepare the spine and hips.
  • Sequence Building: Place Camel Pose towards the middle or end of your sequence when the body is sufficiently warmed up.
  • Cooldown: Follow Ustrasana with seated forward bends and gentle twists to release the back and maintain balance in the body.


Camel Pose, Ustrasana, is more than just a physical stretch; it is an invitation to open the heart and cultivate inner strength and resilience. With its myriad benefits for the body and mind, this pose offers practitioners a pathway to deeper emotional and physical well-being. As with any yoga practice, approach Ustrasana with mindfulness and respect for your body's limits, gradually deepening your practice as your flexibility and strength improve over time.

Incorporate Camel Pose into your regular yoga routine to experience its transformative effects on both body and spirit. Embrace the journey of exploration and growth that Ustrasana offers, unlocking new levels of flexibility, balance, and inner peace with each mindful breath.